Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Experts Speak

Oh, for Pete's sake. Are these people actually living in the real world EVER?

''More and more, people are realizing that there are serious environmental and serious food security issues involved in biofuels,'' Greenpeace biofuels expert Jan van Aken said. ''There is more to the environment than climate change,'' he said. ''Climate change is the most pressing issue, but you cannot fight climate change by large deforestation in Indonesia.''

Who DID NOT see this coming? Raise your hands. Okay. You two! (points) You are now both "Greenpeace biofuels experts."

Anybody, ANYBODY, who has paid the slightest bit of attention for, say THE LAST THREE YEARS, would have known that shoving biofuels down the throats of the world was just shifting the problem from Gorebal Worming to famine and deforestation. For God's sake people read the damned Wall Street Journal for once! Self interest is the best predictor of future markets. Perhaps if there were a few more ECONOMISTS in your little play pen you might have a clue. Oh, that's right, you don't like what those kinds of people have to say.

What's next on your "we've got to do something" list, Mr. Expert? Soylent Green?



Anonymous said...

As I understand it, it also takes more energy to produce ethanol than it yields for the end user(s)...

Cassandra said...

...but the benefits may be offset by serious environmental problems and increased food prices for the hungry, the U.N. said Tuesday in its first major report on bioenergy...


As one of my developers once said to me, rather snarkily I thought, after I had cracked wise one too many times and gotten too clever for my ownself, "Thank you Captain Obvious"... :)

In other news, you must be psychic. My daughter in law and I were discussing this over dinner last night. Too funny.

Cassandra said...

And actually camo, that was her comment. I, of course, was blitheringly ignorant on the whole subject, not having read this post, so I just sipped my beer and tried to look inscrutable.

It's kind of neat having a daughter in law. She's a very smart young woman. Much smarter than the old folks she lives with.

camojack said...

would have to make her pretty doggone smart...

KJ said...

I'm against biofuel because "bio" means life, so to be pro-biofuel is to be "pro-life."

I won't have any of that.

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