Thursday, October 27, 2005

Update To My Previous Post

I shouldn't have been so harsh about the president's using the internal documents issue as cover for the withdrawal. There wasn't a chance in hell of the Dems voting for Miers, and the battle over the release of privileged presidential papers was going to be real, long, and bloody. But the spin coming out the Senate demoncrats right now is making me ill.

I just watched Harry Reid on the news talking about how "the radical right wing" killed the nomination of this, fine capable and thoughly wonderful woman. Talk about your bullshit. I didn't support Miers nomination, and neither did many other conservatives. But at least we're not COMPLETE AND UTTER PHONIES about it like the Dems. And the worst part about this is that the Dems got their cake and now can eat it without having to spend a single cent of political capital. They'll be tanned and rested and ready to pluck out the eyes of the next nominee.
Two words, buttheads: "nuclear option." remember them well.

Now the little old liberal lady in the office is running around like a chicken without her head awaiting Bush to nominate Adolph Hitler to "appease the radical right wing." Oh please. Don't be so gullible. Bush has to please his conservative-moderate base, not the looney-toon fringe. But don't let me stop you from jumping off the ledge.

I am sick and tired of hearing the talking heads drool on about how "this is going to damage the presidency." Maybe...if the disaffected were Democrats. Those types eat their own. This was a family fight. Watch and see if you don't see a real re-unification of conservative support for the president.

Starting right here.

I understand and share her concern, however, about the current state of the Supreme Court confirmation process. It is clear that Senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House - disclosures that would undermine a President's ability to receive candid counsel. Harriet Miers' decision demonstrates her deep respect for this essential aspect of he Constitutional separation of powers - and confirms my deep respect and admiration for her.

*cough* bullshit *cough*


portia said...

Agreed. Miers has shown more responsibility withdrawing her name than Bush did in appointing her.

Smart move though on WH's part announcing her withdrawal today: It will be a one day story after tomorrow's news, and then she can return to being Harriet, who? once again.

KJ said...

I'm with you. Appoint a worthy candidate, and I'll take up arms.

spd rdr said...

That's two.

spd rdr said...

Well...she was the head of the search committee. Which should count for something...I guess.

portia said...

Actually, I think the explanation for the Miers withdrawal is not all BS. When the WH bumped up against Democrats and Republicans including Graham, Brownback and Thune demanding privileged documents, the nomination moved from "do over" to "game over."

Painful as it's been, I'm very pleased to see that the Republicans exercised some intellectual independence during this nomination process, and not walk lock-step just because....

Noton Yalife said...

Blowing Vessels?

Sounds like somthing that should be happening on Thursdays over at The Cheese.