Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers' Day

Baby, we were born to run.


portia said...

That is the worth the price of admission, spd! I'm still smiling. Happy Father's Day to you, and to all the fathers who went before. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we stand on your shoulders. A heartfelt thanks for the lessons taught and the love shared.

spd rdr said...

Nicely said, Portia. Thank you.

spd rdr said...

I just realized, that's an "I LIKE IKE" button I'm wearing.
Some things never change...for long.

portia said...

An "I LIKE IKE" button? Jeez spd, you're killing me here. Can't you claim it's an "In your heart, you know he's right" Goldwater button so we both can shave off a few years in the doing? Heck, I'll even settle for an "Experience Counts Vote Nixon Lodge" relic. C'mon, work with me here, friend.

spd rdr said...

Honest to God. It' an "I LIKE IKE" button. Somewher there's another pic taken the same day that you can see it. Plus, I came across the button when I cleaned out Dad's house...I think that I've got (somewhere). But this photo was taken in 1956, an election year, and I'm sure my dad had "Future Right-Wing By-God-Jesus-Loving Yankee-Hating Conservative" tattooed on our foreheads before we could even pronounce the word "liberty."

And I'm not worried about getting old...I ain't.

portia said...

I'm not worried about getting old. I'm worried about sounding old. The other day I was telling some twenty something year olds in my office how when I was in college in Boston you could always spot the boys from MIT because of the slide rules sticking out of their plastic-protected shirt pockets. I was greeted by blank stares: "What's a slide rule?" Groan.

FWIW, I had the same tattoo burned on my forehead...except of course, for the Yankee-hating part:)

Pile On® said...

You have learned now that you can take the tags of your clothes before you wear them, haven't you?