Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm Getting A Bad Feeling About Next Week

Don't even think about it.


portia said...

Uh oh. You did buy that vacation insurance, didn't you? If not, take lots of board games with you, and your digital can live-blog IRENE. Cool!

portia said...

You're absolutely right Cass, spd shouldn't worry...rum works, tequila does, too.

spd rdr said...

Look here ladies, I'm not the least bit worried about a stupid feakin' hurricane ruining the only goddamn vacation I'll have this year. I'm concerned about the damage such an event might do to the fragile barrier island ecosystem. That, and the fact that there will be teensager moaning all over the place about how bored they are because its raining, therefore they simply must go shopping. Hence the price of the vaction increases six-fold.

And I blame Bush.

Pooke said...

Gee spd, were you ever a boyscout? Just be prepared. And if the teenagger starts getting to you, feed it some until it sleeps.

We were recently in the same area; Corolla, NC to be exact. Have a great time!

portia said...

Easy fix, spd: Add the rum to the tequila. That'll cut down on the moaning--and the shopping--until morning. Lather, rinse and repeat as needed. I suggest you do the same.

spd rdr said...

Pooke, I just may be in love with you.

spd rdr said...

I've got even better things, Portia. I've got BOOKS that I've been dying to read. I just wanted to look all bronzed and freckled when I came back in order to wow the ladies who drop by Heigh-ho. You know, a real stud tan.

portia said...

Three words, spd: Pray for rain:)